16 October 2018

The Sign Of Ageing They Never Mention – Gaps Inbetween Teeth

Your teeth are amazingly resilient things. Just think about it for a second – the amount of chewing, brushing, crunching, biting, tearing and chattering they do every single day is mind-boggling. By the time you’re 30, you will have brushed your teeth 21,900 times, and chewed over 1,095,000 mouthfuls. When you look at it like that, it’s a miracle they don’t simply grind away into dust, like rocks under the tide. But all of that wear and tear does start to take its toll, along with our bodies natural responses to ageing. And just like everything else, as we get older, we will start to see changes in our teeth. These signs can vary, from darkening teeth and gums to tooth decay, loosening of teeth, widening of gaps and even tooth loss. While some of these signs of ageing can’t be avoided, you can slow their impact by taking proper care of your teeth. You can also speed them up by abandoning them.


family dentist milton keynes
Family dentist Milton Keynes
If you have healthy teeth in good alignment, it can be a bit distressing if gaps start to appear between your teeth, or if you had them already and they start to grow. These gaps are known as diastema, and are both a natural side effect of ageing, and a product of your own behaviour.  Diastema is particularly common in children. This is because as children grow very quickly, so do their bones and jaw. Gaps start appearing when their jaws grow, but their baby teeth stay the same size. As their baby teeth fall out (creating more gaps!) they are replaced with adult sized teeth, which fit their new adult jaw size.

straight teeth dentist milton keynes
Straight teeth Milton Keynes
In adults, the most common cause of tooth gaps is simply age. As we get older, our teeth will naturally shift around and our gums will recede slightly, leading to small gaps in between our teeth. Sometimes this will only be noticeable between a few teeth – usually the front two, but sometimes it applies to all of them. If you look closely at some actors or actresses on television, you might be able to see it (David Mitchell and Robert Webb are prime examples). If you lose a tooth in adulthood and don’t replace it, you may find your other teeth move to fill the gap, causing more, smaller gaps in the rest of your teeth. Luckily, this is a pretty easy thing to fix.

To transform your smile, contact Appledore Dental Clinic Milton Keynes and you will start smiling more.

Milton Keynes dentists ageing changes our teeth

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