23 May 2013

Milton Keynes Dentist Talking On Marlow FM

milton keynes dentist talking on marlow fm
Dr Teresa Day
Clinical Director and Founder of
Appledore Dental Clinic Milton Keynes
Did you hear Dr Teresa on Marlow FM 97.5 yesterday?

She was discussing:-

To transform your smile, contact Appledore Dental Clinic Milton Keynes and you will start smiling more
milton keynes dentist on Marlow FM

Milton Keynes dentist on Marlow FM

9 May 2013

Fed Up With Your Current Smile?

Dr Neha Gokani
Associate Dentist
If you've had enough of your smile and want to improve it come in for a consultation with Dr Neha Gokani at Appledore Dental Clinic Milton Keynes and find out what Appledore can do for you. 
  •  Ever wonder why you get passed over for promotion time after time?
  • Maybe you don't make the right impression at work? 
If Your Smile Lets You Down -  Change It

To transform your smile, contact Appledore Dental Clinic Milton Keynes and you will start smiling more

improve your smile milton keynes dentist

milton keynes dentist improve your smile

7 May 2013

What is cosmetic bonding?

Appledore Clinicians can improve the appearance of your mis-shapen or slightly crooked teeth with cosmetic bonding. 

If you don't like the look of your teeth this could be just the solution you’ve been looking for. 

milton keynes dentist cosmetic bonding
Before treatment at Appledore Dental Clinic Milton Keynes
milton keynes dentist cosmetic bonding
After bonding treatment at Appledore Dental Clinic Milton Keynes
This is a non-invasive procedure using materials colour matched to your teeth:-

 To improve the shape or size of your teeth
 To close spaces and gaps

This is an ideal treatment for someone with healthy teeth who does not want to have invasive treatment such as veneers. 

Appledore Cosmetic Bonding is Guaranteed for 2 Years
After which you may require some minor repairs or polishing

To transform your smile, contact Appledore Dental Clinic Milton Keynes and you will start smiling more

cosmetic bonding at dentist milton keynes
cosmetic bonding at dentist milton keynes

Lung and mouth cancer risk doubles

milton keynes dentist screens for mouth cancer oral
Mouth cancer screening at
Appledore Dental Clinic Milton Keynes
01908 230 209
According to new research - people who smoke within five minutes of waking up are more at risk from the harmful effects of tobacco compared to those who waited for at least one hour. 

Apparently people who reach for a morning cigarette are doubling their risk of developing lung and mouth cancer  

The time it takes for a person to light up is also an  indicator of their addiction to smoking. 

Tobacco use is still the biggest cause of mouth cancer, up to half of all smokers eventually dying of a tobacco-related illness, this research presents a clear warning to morning smokers. 

Given that mouth cancer is one of the few cancers predicted to rise over the next decade, Dr Nigel Carter OBE, Chief Executive of the British Dental Health Foundation, hopes smokers will take notice of the warning.  Dr Carter said:

 "Mouth cancer is a very real problem in the UK, latest figures show that it claims more lives than road traffic accidents do, and of more concern is that the disease is on the rise, indulging in a poor diet and the emergence of  HPV (the Human papillomavirus) transmitted via oral sex, are further lifestyle behaviours that are known risk factors for mouth cancer. The changing demographics of mouth cancer sufferers mean more people than ever before need to be aware of what these risk factors are”. 

This study presented in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention, included 1,945 participants from the 2007/2008 and 2009/2010 National Health and Nutrition and Examination Survey. 

The warning signs for mouth cancer include:-
  • red and white patches in your mouth
  • mouth ulcers which do not heal within three weeks
  • unusual lumps or swellings in your mouth
milton keynes dentist screens you for mouth cancer oral If in doubt, get checked out

Appledore patients are routinely screened for mouth cancer using traditional dental procedures along with the Velscope Early Detection Machine giving you much needed peace of mind.
Call now on 01908 230 209

To transform your smile, contact Appledore Dental Clinic Milton Keynes and you will start smiling more

    dentist milton keynes oral mouth cancer check
    milton keynes dentist mouth cancer oral

    Amalgam fillings or white fillings?

    In the 1800's due to its low cost, ease of application, strength, and durability, amalgam became the dental restorative material of choice.  Recently its popularity has diminished.  Concern for:- 
    • aesthetics
    • environmental pollution
    • health
    Plus the availability of improved, reliable, composite materials have all contributed to this downward shift.

    Amalgam is an alloy of mercury and various metals used for dental fillingsIt usually consists of 
    • mercury 50%
    • silver 22-32%
    • tin 14%
    • copper 8% 
    • plus other trace metals
    Concerns about the toxicity of mercury have made the use of amalgam increasingly controversial.

    Amalgam fillings have to be removed safely to ensure you are not poisoned, when you decide to have your amalgam fillings removed call Appledore Dental Clinic Milton Keynes on 01908 230 209  

    amalgam filling or white filling milton keynes dentist
    Amalgam filling
    amalgam filling or white filling dentist milton keynes
    Removed and replaced with an
     composite filling

    Appledore Do Not Use Amalgam As It Is Toxic               

    To transform your smile, contact Appledore Dental Clinic Milton Keynes and you will start smiling more
    dentist milton keynes white fillings
    milton keynes dentist amalgam filling white