16 March 2018

Signs your child's jaws are not growing well

Signs your child's jaws are not growing well
Signs your child's jaws are not growing well

Does your child:-
~ have difficulty breathing through their nose?
~ grind their teeth at night?
~ snore?

Are you always telling them:-
~ to close their mouth when they are eating
~ to make less noise when they are eating?

Have you noticed that their teeth are crooked, stick out, or don’t meet?

Most orthodontic problems, particularly crowded teeth and an underdeveloped lower jaw, are caused by habits such as mouth breathing and tongue thrusting. If these habits are not corrected the necessity for braces will be increased.

At Appledore Dental Clinic we are firm believers in early intervention
Non-extraction orthodontics.

With a dental appliance from Appledore DentalClinic your child’s jaws will be encouraged to grow correctly.

Treatment is simple and effective. It does not involve wearing braces or using complex and uncomfortable dental appliances 24/7

Wearing an appliance for just one to two hours each day and whilst sleeping, combined with a few simple yet effective exercises each day is all it takes for a real change to occur.

Dr Teresa our Clinical Director and Founder is one of only a few dentists in the UK offering this transformational treatment.

Book your child's place now, no obligation to have treatment, advice will be given. 

Call 01908 230 209 or email smilesmk@appledore.co.uk

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Facebook event:-  Children's ortho open day at Appledore Milton Keynes

To transform your smile, contact Appledore Dental Clinic Milton Keynes and you will start smiling more

Milton Keynes costmetic dentist, family dentist, tooth whitening

Embarrassed by your skin? Appledore have the solution!

A wide diversity of vascular and fibrous skin blemishes can be quickly and easily treated with
Advanced electrolysis by Carolyn at Appledore
Embarrasing skin?  Come and see Carolyn
Advanced Electrolysis by Carolyn at Appledore.

Results are very effective and often immediate, offering a blemish free smooth skin.

Removing any unsightly skin blemishes that may have affected your confidence and wellbeing, recently or throughout your life, can be easily treated by an electrolysis specialist. The demand for these procedures is very high but unfortunately the medical profession is not only too busy but in most cases reluctant to do anything with benign lesions as the N.H.S. funding is very restricted. They are seen purely as a cosmetic problem regardless of the psychological effect on the person having the unsightly marks, lumps and bumps on their skin. 

Fed up with your skin issues? Carolyn may have the answer you've been waiting for.

As far back as the early 1900’s electrolysis was being used for the treatment of port-wine marks, broken capillaries, skin tags, spider naevi, a variety of warts and even xanthelasma (yellow pigmented spots or plates found on the eyelids). Today it has progressed a long way and with ongoing improvements and modern technology it is a safe, comfortable and effective treatment still very much in demand with the clients of today.
Book now to see Carolyn Claypole, Appledore's Advanced Electrolysis Specialist. Call 01908 230 209 or email smilesmk@appledore.co.uk


Click to view skin tag footage 

Click to view advanced electrolysis footage 

To transform your smile, contact Appledore Dental Clinic Milton Keynes and you will start smiling more

Milton Keynes costmetic dentist, family dentist, tooth whitening