26 June 2018

The Warning Signs Of Impacted Wisdom Teeth – And What To Do About It

When it comes to your mouth, there are fewer things more painful than impacted wisdom teeth. We always thought the pain of teething was reserved for early childhood, where we wouldn’t really remember it when we were adults. But sadly, nature has conspired to save some of that pain for our early adult life, as well. Not only that, but it’s one of the worst things that can happen to your teeth naturally. But what are wisdom teeth, and why do they become impacted in the first place?

Why Do Wisdom Teeth Become Impacted?
Despite it being an incredibly painful experience and a complex treatment, wisdom teeth become impacted for a very simple reason. You see, all of the other teeth in your mouth tend to develop around the same time, and all arrange themselves in your mouth naturally. Sometimes they will be quite tight, other times there will be gaps, but usually, they will sort themselves out (sometimes with a bit of help!). But your wisdom teeth don’t come in with the rest of your teeth. Instead, they develop much later in your life, usually in your late teens or early twenties. This causes a lot of problems, as 4 new, fairly big teeth try to force their way into an already packed jaw. Usually wisdom teeth will grow without problems, but sometimes there is just no room in your mouth for them to grow through the gums (also known as ‘erupting’), and so they grow in at an angle, sideways or even get stuck below the gum line.

Symptoms Of Impacted Wisdom Teeth
There are a few different things that happen when your wisdom teeth become impacted. The most common symptom is pain in your jaw, particularly in the areas around your gums where the teeth are trying to break through. You might also get headaches that settle at the back of your head or at the sides, which can indicate problems with your wisdom teeth. A few people also experience problems chewing normally, struggling to open and close their mouths as they would usually. Changes in your mouth like reddening of the gums, swelling in your jaw, sudden bleeding gums and even newly occurring bad breath can also point towards impacted wisdom teeth. In short, if you start to notice changes in your mouth or experiencing jaw-based pain, it’s worth checking out.

Complications With Impacted Wisdom Teeth
When your wisdom teeth become impacted it can cause a lot of problems. The most common is overcrowding of the mouth, which is where wisdom teeth have to force their way up through existing teeth and push them aside. This can cause angular growth and compression, or even infection in some cases. There are also varying degrees of impacted wisdom teeth, from a minor compression to a sideways growth and infection, which can be difficult to deal with. Some wisdom teeth will manage to erupt through the gum line and a crown will be visible, while others lie beneath the gum line and are classed as ‘fully impacted’. If these teeth are left as they are, it can cause a number of complications for you. This includes things like permanent damage to the adjacent teeth, eroding enamel, pushing teeth out of their root or developing an infection in some areas. It can also be a secondary cause of gum disease and tooth decay, as these areas prove difficult and painful to clean properly. Perhaps the most severe complication of impacted wisdom teeth is the development of dental cysts. These happen because the wisdom teeth grow in a special sack located inside the jaw, and if the tooth becomes infected this can fill with fluid, leading to uncomfortable and painful cysts that can cause permanent nerve damage. If left untreated, these complications can lead to more serious issues, so it’s important you get them checked out as soon as possible.

Impacted wisdom teeth are never pleasant, and almost every one of you reading will know someone who has had issues with them. Wisdom tooth removal is one of the most common dental procedures carried out in the UK, with cavity treatments coming in first place. The warning signs for impacted wisdom teeth start quite subtly, but they escalate quickly, and the best way to catch them is with routine dental check-ups. If you’re not sure what your symptoms mean, always book an appointment with your dentist and describe your symptoms. For more advice on wisdom teeth or to book your check-up consultation, just get in touch with the Appledore team today.

To transform your smile, contact Appledore Dental Clinic Milton Keynes and you will start smiling more

Milton Keynes dentists wisdom teeth straight teeth adult and children

15 June 2018

Say No To Traditional Braces With Myobrace

Straight teeth at Appledore Dental Clinic Milton Keynes
Straight teeth for adults and children
Did you know that nearly 75% of children will need braces or orthodontic work before they are 13 years old? It’s quite staggering really. But this is the age where the adult teeth have all grown in, and that period of change can cause a lot of problems in healthy jaw and bite development, including malocclusions. For a lot of children, this means having metal braces fitted to their teeth, to be lived with for months or even years to treat any number of malocclusions in their teeth. But what are malocclusions, and is there a way to treat them without traditional braces?

What Is A Malocclusion?

If we’re being technical, a malocclusion is defined as: ‘A misalignment or incorrect relation between the teeth of the two dental arches when they approach each other as the jaws close.’ But if we’re speaking in plain English, it’s just the specialists’ word for crooked teeth or a misalignment of your teeth when you bite. There are a number of different forms malocclusion can take, and they are all pretty common, particularly in children. Malocclusions can take the form of:

Overcrowding: A very common issue caused by a lack of space for the teeth in the jaw. This causes the teeth to become crooked and overlap. It’s the single most common reason for orthodontic work in adults.

Overjet: An overjet is where your top teeth extend past your bottom teeth horizontally (not to be confused with an overbite). The teeth protruding into your cheek can cause some problems with eating and speech.

Overbite: Ideally there should be a little bit of overlap from the upper to the lower teeth, in some cases the upper row of teeth go out too far, resulting in an overbite.

Crossbite: A crossbite is where your upper teeth come down inside your lower teeth. This can happen just on one side, at the front, back or even all over your jaw.

Anterior crossbite (underbite): This particular type of crossbite only affects the front teeth, and displays the opposite problem to an overbite, with the lower teeth jutting out past the upper ones.

Spacing: Spacing can occur between two or more teeth across your whole jaw. Some of the causes of spacing include missing teeth, small teeth, tongue thrusting and thumb sucking.

Diastema: A diastema is the space between two teeth, usually at the front (think of the famous Rimmel London model).

Impacted tooth: Impacted teeth aren’t able to come through the gums normally (known as eruption), and so get stuck. To treat this you may need to have the tooth removed, or have it exposed so that a brace can be fitted.

Missing tooth: Missing teeth can develop as a result of trauma, or the teeth could simply not develop properly and never erupt.

On average, 2 out of 4 children will have or develop a malocclusion at some point in their childhood. For some, it will be the result of habits, such as thumb sucking, while others will be caused by adult teeth growing in and causing problems. If left unchecked, these small problems can grow and cause real dental issues as an adult, requiring extensive and usually very expensive treatment. However, if they are treated early, from the age of around, then the treatment can help the child’s teeth grow naturally into the correct formation. This means improved facial development, less pain and difficulty doing normal things like chewing or breathing through the mouth, and a decrease in bad oral habits like snoring and tongue thrusting. It also means a lot of money and time saved on orthodontic treatments in the future.

How Does Myobrace Help?

The Myobrace system has been designed as an alternative to the traditional, bulky braces of old. Instead, it’s a preventative pre-orthodontic treatment that focuses on addressing the underlying causes of crooked teeth – such as poor oral habits or abnormal development. It’s a series of appliances which have been proven to correct the habits of poor dental development while providing light forces to realign teeth into their natural positioning. Rather than wearing braces of complicated uncomfortable dental appliances 24 hours a day, the Myobrace system only needs to be work for one or two hours a day and overnight while sleeping. Combined with a series of ‘myofunctional exercises’ also known as ‘trainer activities’, the Myobrace can completely eliminate the need for invasive orthodontal work in the future. The Myobrace is best suited for children aged 3 to 15, but can be used to treat adults if needed, and is the perfect way to naturally correct crooked teeth.

Dr Teresa Day Clinical Director and Founder of Appledore Dental Clinic Milton Keynes
Dr Teresa Day Appledore Dental Clinic Founder and Clinical Director
At the Appledore Dental Clinic, Dr Teresa Day is an expert in fitting and treating with the Myobrace system. When the warning signs of malocclusion are spotted at your child’s regular check-up, Dr Teresa can perform an evaluation to see if your child is suitable. With her help, your child can avoid having uncomfortable braces fitted, and instead enjoy a simple dental correction while going about life as usual. For more information, please get in touch with the clinic today and book your consultation.

To transform your smile, contact Appledore Dental Clinic Milton Keynes and you will start smiling more

Milton Keynes dentists straight teeth adult and children