25 September 2012

Dental Mavericks helping children in Morocco this years mission

cosmetic dentist milton keynes Dr Teresa Appledore in Morocco
Dr Teresa Day
Dental Maverick
Founder and Clinical Director of
Appledore Dental Clinic
Milton Keynes
Dental Mavericks helping children in Morocco - update on this years mission
  • 24.09.12 problems getting the equipment thru customs and Cally Gedge now has to spend tomoz trying to get this sorted out - agghghghghghhgh
  • 25.09.12 phew! - finally customs have allowed our equipment thru. It will be at El Jabah this evening so we'll be able to start treating the children tomorrow :)
  • 26.09.12 Had to wait for the local anaesthetic to arrive (we can't bring that in with us we have to source it locally), so this delayed us starting treatments. Saw a 10 year old boy with big black holes in his front teeth, managed to fill them and make them look nice, he went out beaming and Dr Teresa was told it had made his year.   Between us we’ve treated 70+ children today, mainly extractions. Very draining physically and emotionally - expecting to do the same again tomorrow.
  • 27.09.12 Saw a 6 year old girl today with 2 abscessed teeth - she smiled all the way thru the treatment when we took them out - she was a joy to treat and parents were very grateful.  All in we treated over 90+ children today.  some very emotional moments with the scared ones, and hugs and kisses after treatment.  Ran out of supplies so we had to finish earlier than expected.
  • 28.09.12 Will be a day to rest and we travel home on 29.09.12.  I'm already looking forward to coming back next year!
  • In the meantime Dr Teresa looks like witchypoo with her broken tooth, no news yet on how this happened - good job we know some very good dentists, she'll be needing one :)
 http://www.dentalmavericks.org/   OUR MISSION  To bring pain free dentistry to six hundred children in a village called El Jebah, North East Morocco.

To transform your smile, contact Appledore Dental Clinic Milton Keynes and you will start smiling more.
cosmetic dentist milton keynes Dr Teresa Appledore in Morocco
cosmetic dentist milton keynes Dr Teresa Appledore in Morocco

15 September 2012

We'll fix it tonight ! says Dr Teresa of Appledore Dental Clinic Milton Keynes

Yesterday a very distraught lady called us and said that her denture that we had made her last year had broken. 
  • We asked her to come straight down to the clinic and we'd see what needed to be done. 
  • The denture was cracked almost right through and it was 5pm! 
  • She told us she had important engagements in London tomorrow and that she had a house full of guests over the weekend. 
  • We called our friendly dental technician, Damon Saunders, and asked what we could do. 
  • He said get it over here tout suite and we'll fix it tonight and she can have it back tomorrow morning. 
  • Chrissy, one of our smile advisors took our patient and the denture in my car to the lab and dropped our patient off at home. 
  • We couldn't let her get the bus with no teeth in could we? 
  • In the morning, Chrissy then picked up our patient and picked up her denture from the lab so that I could refit it at 8.30am in time for her to get her train for London.

 She asked what the cost was, we replied, "just a hug, it's under guarantee"

To transform your smile, contact Appledore Dental Clinic Milton Keynes and you will start smiling more.
cosmetic dentist milton keynes Dr Teresa Appledore
cosmetic dentist milton keynes Dr Teresa Appledore

14 September 2012

pain free dentist in Milton Keynes

pain free dentist milton keynesWizzy technology at Appledore Dental Clinic Milton Keynes ensures you have pain free treatment NOW so you dont have to wait for this Star Trek style technology to happen http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-19600706

  • If, like a lot of people, you don't like painful injections come to Appledore where everyone has The Wand, a computer system controls the dental anaesthetic that you receive
  • And if you don't like the dental drill you can have an ICON non drilling filling.  

pain free dentist milton keynes
To transform your smile, contact Appledore Dental Clinic Milton Keynes and you will start smiling more.

cosmetic dentist milton keynes pain free
cosmetic dentist milton keynes pain free

8 September 2012

How satisfied are you with your smile?

Melina's journey at Appledore Dental Clinic Milton Keynes

melinas story dental clinic milton keynes On a questionnaire they provided to me I answered 'zero' on a scale of 0-10 for 'how satisfied are you with your smile'? 

I really was at rock bottom. Not only was my wedding just two years away but I had just been promoted at work to a role which involved contact with a number of important clients. With no confidence to even smile, how on earth would I cope?   

Dr. Day made me feel so comfortable and any self-consciousness I had about my smile seemed to evaporate as soon as I sat in the chair. She really empathised with me and provided this amazing sense of assurance that something could be done. 

Dr. Day's expertise really shone through and I even started to feel excited about the results. But how would they be achieved I still wondered? 

Dr. Day didn't propose a treatment plan to me there and then. She did the necessary investigations to carefully consider my case further. Just a couple of weeks later Dr. Day outlined for me in the smallest of detail the entire plan that would transform my smile. I knew more than anyone that I wouldn't just turn into Julia Roberts overnight but I could see that the treatment proposed would produce a pretty dramatic result.

To book your straight teeth treatment with Dr Teresa @ Appledore Dental Clinic Milton Keynes phone now on 01908 230 209 or email smilesmk@appledore.co.uk   

To transform your smile, contact Appledore Dental Clinic Milton Keynes and you will start smiling more.

melinas story dental clinic milton keynes
melinas story dental clinic milton keynes

6 September 2012

Gagging? Not with modern dentures from Appledore Dental Clinic Milton Keynes

dentures milton keynesYou don’t have to live with denture discomfort any longer.

Modern comfortable, natural looking dentures from Appledore Cosmetic Dental Clinic Milton Keynes:
  • Are comfortable and fit like a glove
  • Give you a lifetime of healthy eating for more energy
  • Help you speak more clearly
  • Avoid your dentures looking like they were made for someone else
  • Provide you with natural looking teeth - like colour and shape of real teeth
  • Add personality to your smile
Click here for more info on dentures

To transform your smile, contact Appledore Dental Clinic Milton Keynes and you will start smiling more.

dentures dental clinic milton keynes
dentures dental clinic milton keynes

Mouthguards From Appledore Dental Clinic Milton Keynes Protecting Your Smile

If you take part in any contact sport (including football, rugby, karate, basketball, hockey etc.) our clinicians recommend that you wear a custom made mouthguard to protect your smile - these can even be made in your team colours!

Ensure You Protect Your Smile

To transform your smile, contact Appledore Dental Clinic Milton Keynes and you will start smiling more.

mouthguards dental clinic milton keynes
mouthguards dental clinic milton keynes

Healthy Smile Club For All The Family

healthy smile club member dental clinic milton keynes
My mummy is looking after my smile
We're both Appledore Healthy Smile Club Members
Healthy Smile Club Membership Available Now At Appledore Dental Clinic Milton Keynes

At Appledore we feel that it is important that your entire family is cared for to a high standard, regardless of age. 

Children especially, should have regular checks and preventive care to allow them to grow up with disease-free mouths, and to ensure they keep their teeth for life.

Appledore offer free check-ups to children 16 years and under, as long as one parent is a regular patient at Appledore Dental Clinic Milton Keynes.

The check-up can be any time, however if no parent is registered this free appointment has to be taken on a specific day of the month between the hours of 3pm and 5pm.

For more Healthy Smile Club Membership information please contact the clinic
on 01908 230 209  

By involving parents in prevention
We are able to fight against dental disease more successfully

Membership from just £1.51 per month for children and from just £9.99 per month for adults and this includes Dental A&E Insurance. (prices correct at time of blog).

To transform your smile, contact Appledore Dental Clinic Milton Keynes and you will start smiling more.

healthy smile club member dental clinic milton keynes
healthy smile club member dental clinic milton keynes

Emergency dental appointments in Milton Keynes

emergency appointment dental clinic milton keynes

End Your Dental Pain Now!  Request Your Emergency ‘Get Out Of Pain’ Appointment for only £25

There is an additional charge for antibiotics, X-rays & treatment.  
Your X-rays can be copied to a disc if required.

To transform your smile, contact Appledore Dental Clinic Milton Keynes and you will start smiling more.

emergency appointment dental clinic milton keynes dental clinic milton keynes
emergency appointment dental clinic milton keynes